Daily Protein Intake Calculator

In the calculator below, select the gender of the person you want to calculate the protein requirement, activity level and target during the day, enter the height in centimeters, weight in kilograms, and press the calculate button.

Below this page, you can also find the answers for frequently asked questions about this subject.
Daily Protein Intake Calculator
* Required fields.
  1. e.g 32
  2. cm
    (e.g 172)
  3. kg
    (e.g 69)

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What is protein?

Amino acids are large organic compounds formed by chain linking to each other. The source of the word is the word a prota in Greek.

What does protein do in the body?

They are an essential component of living organisms and are involved in every process within cells. Most proteins are enzymes that act as catalysts in biochemical reactions within the body and have a vital role for metabolism. Some other types of proteins have structural or mechanical functions: for example, proteins in the cell skeleton serve as a scaffold to maintain the shape of the cell. They are also involved in cell communication, immune response, cell attachment and cell division.

What is the need for protein?

Proteins are an important part of our diet. Since animals cannot synthesize every amino acid, they have to take basic amino acids through food. Animals break down the protein they eat into free amino acids during digestion and synthesize them with new proteins. For this reason, the body needs protein intake in order to maintain and improve its current state.

How is the daily protein requirement calculated?

Daily needs are calculated on the basis of different criteria such as gender and age. However, it can be calculated as 2.75 times of lean body weight as an easy calculation method. For example, it is recommended that a person with a lean body weight of 50 kilograms has a daily intake of approximately 137 grams (50 X 2.75 = 137.5).

Does protein intake help to lose weight?

Body weight is regulated by the region of the brain called the hypothalamus. Fasting hormones in a protein-fed person begin to diminish, and in addition an increase in fasting-preventing hormones is observed. Therefore, in a person who increases protein intake instead of carbohydrate and fat intake, the process of losing weight is triggered by the decrease of fasting hormones. In addition, high protein intake accelerates metabolism, allowing you to burn more calories even during dormancy. This makes it easier to lose weight.

How many calories in 1 gram of protein?

Each gram contains 4 calories of energy.